Latest Update 11/2/18 [1]

Posted by : BillA on Nov 02, 2018 - 07:25 PM
announcement [2]
The DEC has sent letters requesting access for sampling and potential remediation to around 70 property owners in the Air Deposition Area. These residential properties are the last in that area that have not been previously remediated or their owners declined aside from the school and agricultural fields. The properties run along State Street from Hammond Parkway to Vernon St. and include the side streets along the way (East Ave., Butler, William, Washington, Maple and Vernon Streets). In addition, three residential only property owners east of the school have received letters requesting permission. The properties on and bordering Roberson St. have clear or No Further Action Required status. There are about 37 properties scattered along the area that also have received clear letters.

The DEC want to get permission, if they can, on these remaining properties so they can sample and develop plans for remediation over the winter. However only about 30 properties will be remediated in 2019 with the rest being done on 2020. It should be noted there will probably be some owners who will refuse. Although the request for access from the DEC includes sampling and remediation, owners are still allowed to opt out at any time during the process. They may write on the agreement what they are agreeing to before signing and returning the request.

There is no way to know at this time how many owners will refuse but there most likely will be some. Note that for this year's activity, the refusal rate on Main St., south of South St., was above 50% who declined. However that rate on Hammond Parkway was around 10%.

On another front, FMC sent letters during the summer to property owners along the Tributary and its flood plain north of Pearson Rd to Mill Rd near Marshall in Orleans County. Theses areas are refereed to as Operable Units 7 and 8. The intent is to gain access to survey boundaries and mark drainage areas as well as gain knowledge of the property's history. FMC has already filed a preliminary sampling plan with the DEC. Unlike the Air Deposition Area, FMC is executing the survey and sampling. It remains to be seen who does any subsequent remediation.

The DEC has not announced their plans for next year's activity at the school, but it's most likely the areas in front of the two buildings will be remediated. Remaining would be areas west and south of the high school. The DEC has planned on two more phases at the school.
Latest Update 11/2/18 | Log-in or register a new user account [3] | 0 Comments
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